Friday, April 17, 2009

US Aid to Pakistan, A billion in paper cant undo the billions in metal

Pakistan is going through a very trying time.

It is a country that lives in a part of the world where China, Russia and
India were the neighborhood bullies.

With the rise of Al Qaeda and the tit for tat response of "take no
prisoners" by the US, the whole neighborhood has gone bully whack.

Pakistan has been outflanked in its efforts to boost the Taliban and the
Indian strategy has borne fruit with its allies aspiring to control

The frontier province was always a no man's land. Pakistan's control
consisted on having the tribal chiefs on her side. This could continue as
long as Pakistan was the toughest kid on the bloc. The tribal chiefs have
taken on the Americans and no longer need to bow to Pakistan or anyone else.
They now believe that they control their own destiny and Pakistan is nothing
but a pet of the US.

While the US has announced billions in aid, it will go to waste. US Aid is
channeled through consultants and corrupt politicians and by the time it
gets to the target, its worth is no more than that of that piece of shrapnel
that started as a million dollar cruise missile and now lies in between the
blown out limbs of the unsuspecting as they slept in their two dollar mud

Pakistan's civil movement holds promise but it must not be directed at
fighting a battle that, by its continuation, will destroy the country. Its
energy must be channeled into efforts towards building a civil and just
society in Pakistan.

The best that the US can do is not to send billions into Pakistan but by
leaving Pakistan and letting Pakistanis and the frontier men run their own
lives. The US and Pakistani bombing of the tribal areas destroys the
village where these fearless frontier men have dwelled for hundreds of
years. Having lost their homes these proud angry mountain men, whose pride
demands that every death be avenged, are descending to the valleys and
cities of Pakistan and exacting revenge. How can you convince them that it
is wrong to brazenly kill innocent civilians when they themselves have
witnessed the wholesale deaths of their innocent family members by unseen
(cowardly) drones?

The people of Afghanistan did not consider the US its enemy, Al Qaeda did.
By attacking an entire swath of Afghanistan, the US now has made an entire
population its enemy and turned ordinary Afghanis (and now frontier
Pakistanis) into Taliban.

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