Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Is America Broke?

From the consumer, to the city, to the county, to the State to the Federal Government every one is in debt and tinkering with bankruptcy.

Some believe sending tax rebates or suspending gas taxes will provide relief. I guess they spell Relief "R-o-l-a-i-d-s".

Even though the stock market is down, US Corporations are loaded with money (some 1/2 trillion dollars in the bank).

What is needed is a way to getting this money to fix some other things that are broke - our infrastructure and our educational institutions.This could get us a double bang for the buck as people get jobs, pay taxes and prevent the erosion in the quality of life in these United States.

1 comment:

Zainab Jeewanjee said...

totally agreed. Much of the talk regarding debt relief in the form of simply taxing the population and using those monies to send back people who were victims of the mortgage debacle, is ridiculous. Taxing people who were responsible, and made it through that crisis should not be paying additional taxes to cover the mess created by subprime lenders.

THe government should absolutely find ways to tax corporations that are still profitable. Like the oil, telecommunications or gas industry. Not only are they highly, if not unprecedentedly profitable, but most of these industries are increasingly concentrated. So there's just a handful of players to consolidate all those profits. It's high time those corporations did more to work with the government in terms of monetary relief. Especially since they enjoy so many exclusive lobbying and interest group advantages.