Friday, February 22, 2008

Pakistan election - Winner Beware

Musharraf's party has been routed at the polls. This is another manifestation of a sea of change sweeping the world. This is the reverse of the trend that swept the world when religious parties dominated: Christian Fundamentalist helping Bush, Islamist gaining power in Pakistan, BJP dominating India and Jewish right wingers controlling Israel.
The religious parties, while still a factor, no longer dominate.
In Pakistan, the election in spite of, and not because of Musharraf (lest we forget the pre-election maneuvering by which BB was in and Sharifs were out), were mostly fair. There are several reports of voters not being on the list and there appear to be several "landslide" type victories which may not be the result of free polls, but all in all this was a good election.
The polls reflect the soft voices of the people of Pakistan. While the loud screaming, demonstrations and protests of these people were loudly ignored, these "soft-speak" cannot be ignored.
It is now time for Musharraf to avoid confrontation and resign, the people of Pakistan do not care for him and he is a liability. He has had his time in the sun, he now needs to move on and he should do so expeditiously while the people of Pakistan are in a forgiving mood. They can celebrate his "fairness" and let him depart with dignity.
As for the opposition parties, the concern is not so much as to whether they can work with each other. The concern is that given their history of corruption whether they will sell out to Musharraf and seek to form a government with Musharraf's support.
To do so will be a betrayal of what the people of Pakistan and will undoubtedly lead to another round of chaos and pandemonium.

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